League Rules

CLT Paddle Battle Pickleball League (CLT PBPL) Specifics: Rules and Navigating the Website

CLT Paddle Battle Pickleball League Rules

Quick Overview

*For a full rundown of the league specifics, please read the below information. 

League Format

You will receive points by playing matches. After scores for a match have been entered, the standings will auto update. You may propose as many matches as you wish and play as many matches as you can fit into your schedule. The more matches you play, the more chances you have to earn CLT PBPL points and climb the standings. You can play anyone within your league and you can accept and play as many matches as you wish. You may play the same team multiple times as well. 

Match Location

You and your opponent will decide where the match will be played and at what time. The proposing team controls the match location and match time. The accepting team simply accepts the proposal. If you decided to play at your own club or a location with a guest fee, please enter the guest fee when proposing the match and let your opponent know about the guest fee after the match has been accepted. When going to meet your opponent, please bring their phone numbers with you in case of emergencies, problems, and to discuss which court you are on. 

CLT PBPL recommends the following public parks. However, you can play at your own club or bring your own equipment to any tennis court.

Match Play

Special Situations/Rules

1. It is a forfeit if you are more than 15 minutes late for your match. The team that showed up to play wins the match and the team that didnt show up to play loses the match. The winning team wins 11-0, 11-0. (Please use your own discretion. If a match needs to be rescheduled, do so. Please give your opponent ample notice if you have to cancel the match or if an emergency comes up. If a match cannot be played but both teams want to reschedule, just play the match at a later date. No need to cancel the match and make a new proposal. With any last minute cancellation, the opponent has the right to accept a forfeit.) 

2. If a match needs to be rescheduled due to rain, darkness, limited court space, etc., please agree to resume the match at an agreed upon time and write down the score so that when you resume play, you remember where you left off.

3. If an injury occures during the match and you cannot complete the match, your opponent will win the rest of the points. 

4. If a match has to be canceled, please try your best to get into contact with your opponent. Call them or text them.  

 If you have to cancel an accepted match, that is fine although this should be limited to emergencies, sickness, etc. Please text the other person/team that you are no longer able to play. We do not want anybody showing up to a court thinking they are going to play and the other team not showing up unannounced. A forfeit will occur if you do not show up to play. If you have to cancel, try your best to reschedule the missed match. If you have to cancel within 24 hours of the scheduled match, the opposing team reserves the right to accept a forfeit win at their discretion but rescheduling is always preferred. The less notice you provide, the higher likelihood a forfeit will occur. 

5. The league reserves the right to refuse membership or rescind existing membership for disruptive behavior or for any other reason. 

Match Scoring System

The scoring system was uniquely designed to encourage play and reward both teams for competing as every point won during the match can influence your overall match score. The scoring system is as follows:


(Format for Division Size of 12 - 24 teams, *active teams)

(Format for Division Size of 25 - 36 teams *active teams)

(Format for Division Size of 37+ teams *active teams)

Prizes (Spring, Summer, and Fall Seasons)

(Format for Division Size of 12 - 24 teams)

(Format for Division Size of 25 - 36 teams)

(Format for Division Size of 37+ teams)


Season Kick-Off Information

Navigating the Player Portal and taking actions

How to Propose a Match?

How to View Outstanding Proposals and Accept a Match?

How to Enter Scores?

How to Delete a Proposal?

How to Cancel a Match?